Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Am I just talking to myself?

Where did everyone go? On the last post, there were no comments shared. Does this mean that no one is still reading? Is it because I post so infrequently? Is it because what is being said, makes one go "Hmmmnn", but does not lead to a necessary reply? Or, have I been abandoned? These are the questions I am asking myself. You guys will remember that one of the reasons I began this BLOG was to get a feel for what it is like to play in the world of social media so that we could make an informed decision for what BJC should do. Well, since that time BJC has entered that world with both feet -- heck with entire body. www.makemedicinebetter.org continues to get a lot of visits and the registrations exceed the normal conversion rate. However, I am surprised at the number of folks who visit and don't share any ideas or nominate a person to be a Hero. But, then I thought of my own behavior. I visit lots of sites and never register. I read lots of articles on line and think of all kinds of responses to share, but often do not leave a comment. So perhaps there are lots of people out there who are more like me than I imagined (my family is likely thinking -- Please say it isn't so). So, to all of the former readers of this BLOG, come on back. Let me know what you are thinking, wondering, hoping that I will address in this space. Right now, I am thinking it is great to see the sun (the sunless days of last week sealed that I could never live in Cleveland or Seattle or Ireland), wondering when (not if) the Rams will win their first game, and planning to tackle the piles of work that are on my desk (part of what makes my posts much more infrequent than I would like). What are you thinking, wondering and hoping? Would love to know.


Gary S said...

You're competing with a lot of others for attention! In addition to makemedicinebetter.org, Facebook, Twitter, Google Wave, Reddit, Foursquare and Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen are all at the top of my list these days. It's information overload at its best…and worst.

"A Few Thoughts" lives on my iGoogle home page in the "Friends Blogs" tab, which I check only occasionally because most of the blogs there aren't updated very often. It's a good Sunday-morning-with-coffee read.

I think a key to building readership isn't necessarily frequency, but regularity. When Michael Ausiello started blogging at TV Guide over a decade ago, he posted every Thursday night around midnight. Everyone knew to check for the latest dish on Friday morning. If you were to post on the first and third Mondays of the month, or the last Friday of the month, folks might remember to check for a post.

June said...

Thanks for the sound advice. I will shoot for regularity! And, I totally agree with all the competition for readers' attention. I don't even remember to check many of the sites I love.

City Sarah said...
