Okay, since I am so bad at keeping my BLOG updated, you have to know my intimidation at the world of all things Social Media. I am so pleased that at our upcoming BJC HealthCare Marketing & Communications Conference we will have the opportunity to hear from those who have been at this much longer than I and with much more commitment and diligence than I. Yes, I have a Yammer account, but as some of you who also are a part of that social network know, I have yet to tweet or yam on it. (Maybe it is because I kinda giggle every time I read the words that are used to identify social sites and the actions for participating). However, it is becoming clear that this form of communication is here to stay and as a person who has Communications as part of her title, I have to get over my fear (and giggles) and dive into the waters.
On another note, it has been great to see that we are using technology to recognize co-workers doing good things. I love reading the Shout Outs and hope that those who are the subject of them enjoy the recognition that comes from their co-workers. While not as far reaching as Yammer or Twitter, Shout Outs provide us the opportunity to share within our own Communications & Marketing social network the great things done by our fellow staff members. As I did a Blog or two ago, I encourage you to keep using this recognition program.
Finally, you should have all received an e-mail sharing the date of our Our Staff Meeting (OSM anyone?) on July 8. In addition to sharing the 487 digital photos from my first-ever trip to Paris (just joking), we will spend the morning getting updated on what is happening around BJC, our department and in the community. We will meet at the brand new BJC Learning Institute and a formal agenda will be sent a few weeks prior to the meeting, but I hope you are looking forward to another opportunity for us to all come together. No date is ever perfect and for those who can't attend due to other commitments, I will send you a tweet or yam to keep you in the loop (again, just joking).
Finally, an informal survey -- are any of you active in the social media world? And, if so do you have a preference (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc)? And, if you are not active, what keeps you from jumping into the waters?
Personally, I use Twitter and have opened a LinkedIn account, among some other social networking sites.
Second Life doesn't really interest me, although I've heard some interesting uses for it.
I also moderate at a professional forum for graphic designers. It's lots of fun, and I learn as much as I share with others.
I've made some great new connections in the last year through social networking.
The only way I've participated in Face Book is with a picture of myself from a college party that one of my kids has on her site. I am on Linked In, but the rest....
well, it all seems like just another thing to suck time away. I can't really say that I get on the computer much when at home. I have gone digital with my camera finally and have conquered uploading and downloading. So now, who knows what will be next?
I use Facebook and Twitter. Noticed that IS blocked Twitter this week for the first time ...
Since my posting, I now have a Facebook account. Of course if I spend as much time on it as I do on my Yammer site, not much will happen. Maybe it's an age thing. I also felt really guilty about opening the Facebook account -- like I was interloping into my kids' worlds.
I stay in touch with friends and family across the country with Facebook. As a bonus, it helps me retain the title of “cool aunt” with my nieces and nephews.
June, I reviewed all your previous blogs and I found a blog dated December 5 in which you indicate your blog is to be weekly. I hadn't remembered that periodicity being established. You don't have to talk about social media just because you're using social media. Talk about the celebrity deaths or the heat or whatever interests you. And . . . by the way, Happy Birthday!!!
I set up a facebook account and added lots of friends. One of them said, in reference to my joining facebook, "Welcome to your new addiction!". It was fun for about 2 days, and then I lost interest. I spend enough time on the computer at work, the last thing I want to do is spend more when I get home. I think I'm going to go cold turkey on this "new addiction" and go back to my much preferred old one -- chocolate.
Okay, so sometimes I watch really, really bad television and the other day I was folding laundry and watching the Kathy Griffith (I think that's her last name) Show on Bravo. She set up a Facebook account, but enlisted her 70+ year old mom to manage it for her. Mom was a hoot who called the site "Face Place." I loved it (and am trying not to add that show as another of my bad addictions). Wonder if I can get my 70+ year old mom to manage my Face Place site (which is pretty pitiful and will likely stay pitiful if I have to do anything with it).
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