Friday, January 16, 2009

The Year Ahead

Oaky, I will admit it -- I have not yet completed my goals for what I will accomplish at work this year. Not because I don't think this is important (it is), but because I am still digging out from several large end of the year projects that commanded much of my attention. One of the reasons I started writing this BLOG was feedback that some Communications staff members wondered how I spent my time. Two of the projects that consumed time at the end of the year will hopefully prove to be very beneficial for BJC and the region as a whole. One was completion of the contract to facilitate the reconstruction of the Tower Grove/I-64 interchange near the Kingshighway campus. This project, which will not begin until the New I-64 construction (another project that has taken a lot of time and allowed me to stand on an overpass at 5:45 a.m. and talk to all three news stations) is complete, will provide the public with a much improved interchange.
The other project involved a cross-organizational task force of health care providers, elected officials, educators and others who examined access to health care for residents living in North St. Louis City. This was a fascinating (and very worthwhile) effort that yielded a report with 18 key recommendations submitted to the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis. It also yielded new relationships and a commitment among the participants to work together to address this very important issue.
When I looked back at my 2008 goals, only one of these projects was on the list. But, we know that as a client-serving function, our job is to meet the needs of our clients. It is great when those needs are anticipated early and we have lots of time, but in reality that is often not the case.
So, I am resolving to complete my 2009 work goals within the next 7 days (that's kind of a goal, right?). One of them is to find time to come visit and talk with each of you more regularly. I always learn a lot from those rare visits and there is generally something shared that makes me laugh. This is also the month that I will also start hosting lunch/breakfast with a staff member or group of staff members. So, someone should look forward to a call from Barb Reynolds next week to schedule our 'date' for the last week of January.
I am also working on personal goals. Over the holidays, a good friend shared that he and his family each write down their goals for the year and talk about them together. They include things like spending more quality time together, volunteering to help others, and getting closer to neighbors. I was very impressed, but a little embarassed to realize that my personal goals would not be nearly as lofty -- I mostly want to figure out how to keep my closet from becoming a wreck two weeks after I have cleaned it.
Have you completed your work goals for 2009? How about any personal goals? Would love to hear from you.


Karen Stewart said...

My goal is to avoid being sucked into more reality TV and turn instead to books. I usually have a book going, but I want to turn the TV off and spend more time with some good reads. I'm hoping this new goal will help keep my brain sharp!

Also another note - I find posting comments very difficult on this site. It keeps kicking me out and I have to reregister. Anyone else having this problem?

Gary S said...

I've resolved to stay away from The Apprentice again this season, and to continue decluttering the house.

Karen, I'm a registered Blogger user, so I don't have any problems. Why don't you jut register for an OpenID?


June said...

Karen, I just finished reading "Truth & Beauty" by Ann Patchett. It was wonderful. As for difficulty in posting on this site, I would take Gary's advice. He is techie!
And, Gary, I too plan to boycott The Apprentice (who cares about fake celebrities -- speaking of which while channel surfing, I actually saw Omoraso talking about 'her feelings' regarding the presidential election. I mean Really.

Karen Stewart said...

Gary, I have no idea what that even means. Help! I think I am registered because I am posting on this account. I see June has gone high-tech with her picture next to her blog (and you, and Emily!) I'm trying...I've just learned how to use an I-Pod, for goodness sakes. Baby steps. June, thanks for the reading suggestion.