Thursday, September 11, 2008

It is Easier Being Green

Hi to All:
The "Go Green" Theme of our recent BJC Communications & Marketing Conference, led me to rethink my skepticism about this concept. Remembering all to well the last time our country embarked on environmental consciousness in the late 70s and early 80s (in fact my 1978 unairconditoned Plymouth Horizon was immortalized in a long gasoline waiting line photograph in the local newspaper), I told myself -- "this too shall pass." But, this time there does seem to be something different as 'green' seems to have gone mainstream.
So, I have gotten on the green bandwagon or more accurately, the Metro. For the most part, I have parked my car and am taking Metro to get to and from work and to and from meetings that I have in Clayton and downtown. Because BJC offers the Metro pass discount, I am not only being green, but saving green. I am fortunate to live and work very close to Metro stops which has made it easy for me to get out of my car. However, in keeping with the lessons from our conference, there are lots of things we can all do to incorporate more 'green' into our actions and I encourage you to try some. Would love to hear ideas about what you are doing or may do to 'Go Green.'


Sylvia said...

To go with your first blog posting, I'm writing my first blog comment. I've been a green advocate since college when I drove an old Toyota Corona with a bumper sticker that said "think globally, act locally." Too bad it belched burned oil and black smoke from the tailpipe. Probably not the local action that I intended.

brigid said...

Hey everybody,
Several people submitted their favorite green tips to the conference committee, so there are some really great ideas posted in the conference section of the Intranet. Here’s how to get there:

1. Open Intranet
2. Under “Facilities” hover over “Systems Departments,” then click “Creative Services”
3. In the “Go Green Conference” section, open the Green Tips

June said...

Appreciate knowing there is a resource for sharing ideas (and that we are being green by not producing volumes of paper).
And, Sylvia sometimes it is the thought that counts.

Patt said...

I'm trying to find a place that will recycle #6 plastic . . . peanuts, styrofoam takeout containers/coffee cups, meat trays, packing materials and other white stuff.

Can anyone help?

rob said...
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rob said...

There is place in St. Charles that accepts polystyrene foam packaging and packing peanuts . . . they don't say anything about taking #6 plastic.

Recycle Works -- Central
60 Triad South Drive
St. Charles, Missouri 63304

Good luck...rh