Today, we are celebrating that six BJC hospitals have been recognized in the newly established ranking of hospitals in metropolitan areas by U.S. News magazine. It has been a whirlwind two days so far (the 'embargoed' list was shared yesterday) as the mad scramble to get the word out ensued. It is fabulous when good news can be shared and the work of teams celebrated. Barnes-Jewish, Missouri Baptist Medical Center, Christian Hospital, Barnes-Jewish St. Peters and Barnes-Jewish West County were among the 15 adult hospitals recognized, with St. Louis Children's Hospital being the only pediatric hospital in the area to make the list. Only hospitals in metropolitan areas of 1 million or more people were ranked. Absolutely a day of pride for all the hospital team members and for all of us who work to support our hospitals and service organizations.
It is funny that preparing for the unknown (yes, there were contigency communications in case the outcome of the list had been different) takes a lot of time and a different kind of energy. When the news turns out to be good, you heave a sigh of relief, but still have to spring into action. From notifying leadership to getting the CEO prepared and delivered for the morning news at 6:19 a.m. to sharing the news with employees, board members and the public, it is so good to have a team that can be relied on to spring with you.Thanks to everyone who has helped and is helping to share the good news.
I kind of marvel at the industry U.S. News has created for itself. The ability to capture the attention of the public with the compilation of a "Best of" list is pretty amazing. Perhaps it is because "Best of" is simple and easy to recognize. Most don't delve into the methodology that lands a hospital, university, city, school district, restaurant, department store or automobile on the "Best of" list. However, most tend to think a little more highly of the "fill in the blank" that makes a recognized "Best of" list.
So, we can all enjoy the glow that comes from having so many BJC hospitals listed and which I believe helps to validate our call to make medicine better. A fewshortthoughts because I am still Springing.