Monday, May 17, 2010


For a few days, potential visitors were not able to access this site. It was very distressing as I had just posted on April 30 and could not believe that technology, rather than my lack of a fresh post, was keeping people from reading a few of my thoughts. Well, the problem was fixed and access to the site restored. However, I noticed on my pc that when I got to the site, the post that was showing was one from the spring of 2009. Now, I know I don't post as frequently as I had planned, but even I am not that bad.
So, here is a new post -- just slightly more than a couple of weeks since my last one. I am sitting in the office having just completed reading the latest issue of BJC Today. I always learn something that I did not know and am frequently left with that gooey heart feeling which is how I think pride feels. This issue evoked a lot of heart gooey-ness. I also caught up on a bunch of e-mails, hard mail and other 'stuff of work' that left me with a swelled heart. From BJC receiving a new honor (I can't tell you what it is now, but you will learn soon) to being interviewed about why we developed makemedicinebetter to being asked "What does BJC think about ..............", it is clear that we work for an organization that is well thought of by many in the public. It is important to realize that "organizations" don't create good will -- employees of organizations do! It is the employees of BJC who are 100% responsible for the positive reputation we have. I remember when I worked for a publicly-traded company, there was a lot of emphasis on the importance of "the numbers." What I would share is that "numbers don't make themselves, employees make the numbers." And, employees who know (notice I didn't say "believe") they are valued make great numbers.
I hope you know that you are valued. Without your hard work and dedication, BJC Today would have a lot of blank pages and the phone calls and e-mails asking "What does BJC think about ....." would cease.