It is called work and family and just everything getting in the way. In case you haven't heard they have been some changes around these parts. Kim, Mary Elizabeth and Sylvia have recently abandoned me for different office space. It is amazing how something that should be as simple as an office move can throw things topsy-turvy. Additionally, there has been a spat of time where I have had more off-site meetings, retreats and conferences than you can shake a stick at (okay, can you guys tell I spoke to my grandmother over the weekend)? And, in the midst of all of this, we are preparing to send our last child off to college (and yes, that is me doing the Happy Dance). I would give anything to be in her head as she has narrowed her selection (finally) to two schools -- DePaul in Chicago and University of Miami in Florida (no extreme temperature difference there).
But, that is no excuse for how long it has taken me to update this Blog. A Blog is only good if it contains new information that makes the readers want to come back. Now, while I liked the Friday Fun Game, I did not intend for it to stay the newest posting for three weeks. So, my apologies to all. As for the answers to Co-Worker Jeopardy:
1. Who is Becky Slatin?
2. Who is Mike Quinn?
3. Who is Kim Kitson?
4. Who is Gary Stolz?
5. Who is Karen Stewart?
6. Who is Patty Johnson?
7. Who is Emily Barklage OR Tiffany Dabbs OR Barbara Reynolds OR Scott Suppelsa OR Karen Stewart?
8. Who is Patt Christie?
9. Who is Debra Denham?
10. Who is Libby Coleman
Hope it was fun for you guys. More much sooner.